Thursday, April 23, 2015

Kason: Seven Months Old

Seven months, my, OH MY!!  This last month he has really transformed from a baby to a little boy!!  I can't believe how much he has grown and chubbed up these last 4 weeks!  He is definitely making up for being such a lightweight earlier :) He is still the happiest little guy ever, but has definitely been keeping me up more at night lately!  This momma is in need of a few good nights of sleep, but I don't think I will be getting them anytime soon!  But that's ok, this little one is way worth it!  He is sitting up really well now, but not yet showing any interest in crawling, I'm sure it will come though.  He is now completely on formula (insert sad face) because of a number of different reasons including my supply not being a whole lot and David's new job with horrible hours.  But we made it almost six months with exclusively feeding him breastmilk, so I am very happy with that!  One thing I am surprised at is that he still has no teeth!  Fenna got her first two around 6 months so I guess that just goes to show you how different each little one is!  LOVE him so much, can't wait to see where this next month takes him!

And after I posted this I just realized that I forgot to do his 6 month FAIL!  Here are some pics from six months:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Kason: Five Months Old

Little Mister is FIVE MONTHS OLD!  Only one more month until he is half way through his first year....where does the time go?!?!  Little guy is still coming in a little under weight at 11.11 lbs, but he is gaining, so the doctor isn't too concerned.  We will have another check up at six months and I have a feeling he will be a little chunker by then!  This guy is still so happy and just the most easy going little guy!  He loves watching his big sister and Coney running around him playing.  He is still sleeping well for the most part, there have been a few early mornings, but I can't complain!  Love this little guy so much!

Fenna Mae: 18 Months

This little, giant blessing has now been in our lives for a full year and a half!  That just blows my mind! Most of the time it seems as if she has been with us forever, but sometimes it just seems like yesterday that she was born and we began this journey of parenthood.  Either way, we are so blessed!  Fenna is at the age now where she is becoming so helpful, especially with her little brother!  She loves to unload the dishwasher, throw diapers away, give me Kason's blankets and paci's, and help me carry anything that needs moving.  She says quite a few words, but isn't really past talking gibberish yet.  Some of her frequent words are up, hi, mama, daddy, Coney (almost has it, but we know what she means!), and uh-oh.  This week she also started saying 'thank you'!  She is always climbing, on anything and everything, definitely her mother's daughter!  Gymnastics lessons here we come!  At her doctors check up she was just over 21 pounds, and she carries most of it in her cute little belly!  Here is my beautiful 18 month old!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Kason: Four Months Old

This kid is just the light of my life!  He is still such a happy little camper!  He has rolled over on his own a few times now, but doesn't do it consistently.  I have gotten some true belly laughs out of him already and it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard!  As of yesterday night he is now sleeping in his own room, which makes me incredibly sad that he is growing up so fast!  Seriously, where has the time gone!  He is so strong and holds his head up like a champ!  Our only small concern is his weight gain, he is only about 2.2 lbs above his birth weight right now at 11.1 lbs.  He doesn't act hungry, and he has grown over 4 inches since birth, so there is a good possibility that we may just have a slender, tall little guy on our hands!  But we have to take him in for a weight check in February to follow up.  The smiles this kid gives are unreal and are so big that it just takes up his whole little face!  I am just enjoying every minute I can with him!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Kason: Three Months Old

I am way late on this post...but this Little Mister is now THREE MONTHS OLD!  I really, really can't believe it!  He is the happiest little guy I have ever known!  He always has a huge smile on his face and his new favorite hobby is chewing on his hands (as shown in the last pic!).  He is still as laid back as ever and is sleeping through the night consistently, this mommy is well-rested for sure!  I am slightly obsessed with this little guy, I just can't get enough of his smiles and snuggles!  He already brings so much joy to our little family and I can't imagine it without him now!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Kason: Two Months Old

I am SO behind!  But, this month mister Kason turned two months!!!  He is such a sweet little guy and has already brought so much joy into my life!  He is the smiliest little baby ever, if you talk to and smile at him he will just smile right back up at you!  He is also an amazing sleeper, he is asleep by 9 every night and sleeps until about 4 AM.  At 4 we nurse then he is right back to sleep for another few hours.  I am definitely one well rested mommy for having two little ones!  Nursing has been going really well for us and I am so relieved that it has worked out.  It is definitely time consuming and a huge commitment, but well worth it!  I love this little guy more than I ever thought possible!  Here are some of his two month pics!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Fit Mama - Week 2

So, after having two kids only 13 months apart, my figure now needs a little attention.  But this post is about more than just weight loss, my family is undergoing a lifestyle change of our eating habits.  Obviously, we want to raise our children with healthy eating habits and give them the best start at life, but to do that, David and I need to change our habits.  We can't expect our kids to eat well if we don't set the example for them.  That being said, we are eating according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Eat To Live plan.  We are essentially becoming 'nutritarians'...the majority of the foods we eat are nutrient-dense.  We have cut out dairy almost completely (it is so horrible for you!) and eat very limited amounts of meat.  The majority of our meals are made of greens, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds and beans.  This is the healthiest way to eat and will set our children up to be healthy later in life.  We are really excited about this and have been doing really well eating according to this plan, and Fenna loves it!  I see and hear so many stories of toddlers being picky eaters, but we have not run into that problem!  Fenna loves anything green you place in front of her and eats like a champ!  I have actually been worried before that she was eating too much!  Having explained all of that, I am also very hopeful that eating this way will help me shed some of those extra lbs from the babies!  So, my top weight at the end of my pregnancy with Kason was 205 (which was actually also my top weight with Fenna).  After giving birth I dropped about 20 lbs almost immediately then stayed in the mid 180's for the first 5 weeks post-partum.  So, when I began this at 5 weeks post-partum my starting weight was 183.4 (yikes!).  For my height and build a good weight for me is around 125, but personally my goal weight will be 140, if I can get there I will be a happy camper!  As you can tell I obviously have a long way to go!  As of this morning, about a week and a half in I am 175.8, so I have made some progress already!  Now, to help motivate me, I am going to post pictures throughout this process.  These first couple really scare me because I think I look better than I actually do, but when I look at these pictures I realize that I need to stick with this!  I can't believe I am posting these, I know they are horrible, but hopefully soon I will have new, better ones to replace them with!  Here we go...